How to access Claude 2?

Access Claude 2 by following the steps below!

Desktop and Mobile instructions below:

On Desktop:

  1. Open on your browser.

  2. Click on 'Talk to Claude' and sign in using your email or your Google account.

  3. Sign up with Claude, and click on 'Continue'.

  4. Read through the details and Click on 'Next' and 'Finish'.
  5. This will open the Claude Chat platform. You can type in the question you want to ask, and click on 'Start a new chat'.

  6. Now you're all set to use Claude. Please go back to the study directions to proceed.


On Mobile devices:

  1. Open on your browser.

  2. Click on 'Talk to Claude' and sign in using your email or your Google account.

  3. Sign up with Claude, and click on 'Continue'.

  4. Read through the details and Click on 'Next' and 'Finish'.
    .   .   
  5. This will open the Claude Chat platform. You can type in the question you want to ask, and click on 'Start a new chat'.
  6. Now you're all set to use Claude. Please go back to the study directions to proceed.