How to access Microsoft Bing?

Access Microsoft Bing AI chat by following the steps below!

Method 1: Through the Bing discovery Icon

  1. Open Microsoft Edge Browser on your Desktop.

  2. Hover over the Bing discovery icon on the top-right corner. 

  3. The Bing chat window will appear on the right side of your browser. 

  4. You may expand the chat by hovering over the space between the chat window and the search results screen.


  5. This will help you expand the chat window, and will look something like the image below. 


  6. You may now start interacting with Bing AI.



Method 2: Through the search bar

  1. Open Microsoft Edge.

  2. Type in a question you wish to ask, in the “search the web” bar and hit Enter.

  3. Now click on the Chat option below the search bar. 

  4. This will open the chat window!



Method 3: On your mobile device

  1. Open the PlayStore | AppStore app on your mobile device. 


    image-10. image-11
  2. Type in “Bing AI” on the search bar and hit enter.

  3. Click on “Install”. NOTE: This will install the app onto your mobile.

  4. Once the app is installed, open the app on your mobile. You may click on “Ask me anything” or “Maybe later”.

    image-14. image-15
  5. If you click on “maybe later” you will be redirected to a home screen. You can access the Bing chat by clicking on the Bing discovery icon.

  6. You can now chat with Bing!

    image-17  image-16